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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Student video touts Mitt Romney for president

Romney "stands as the most qualified Republican candidate due in large measure to his career as a leader in both the public and private sectors," says Garrett Sweitzer, a Vanderbilt University junior who is a founder and chairman of the student group.

Sweitzer says the group has supporters on about 40 campuses in 25 states.

The video was produced by Thomas Tatum, a graduating senior at Boston College, who said his intent was to show "the real concerns of real students preparing for graduation in May and June into an economy made uncertain by the economic policies of the Obama administration."

Students for Mitt Romney is actually formed as a political action committee that can make independent expenditures that aren't coordinated with the candidate. The group has a Facebook page here.

See photos of: Boston College, Vanderbilt UniversityTags:Boston CollegeMitt RomneyVanderbilt University .div-wrapper

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