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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The state of Neuroticism

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Neuroticism is a very basic personality trait that has been the focus of study in the field of psychology for many years now. It is actually an individuals tendency to experience negative emotional states for long periods of time. It can be related to pessimism but pessimism would be a very small term for this condition. Individuals who are highly neurotic tend to experience extreme anxiety, intense anger, severe guilt, long periods of depression and a lot of mood swings. They respond very poorly to any kind of stress whether it be light or extreme. They ussually interpret ordinary situations as very threatening, and consider small frustrations  equivalent to  hopelessly difficult life threatening situations. Usually they tend to be very self-conscious and shy, not talking too much around people. They have extreme trouble in controlling their urges of bursting out anger and often they delay the gratification and happy moments of their lives. This condition has been associated with an extremely low emotional intelligence and very poor interpersonal skills. There are always underlying reasons for this condition including mental disorders, depression, panic disorder, and other anxiety disorders and every thing that comes under the umbrella of neuroses. This condition has been most extensively studied in the United States of America.

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