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Monday, June 24, 2013

A look at the new terminal at Los Angeles airport

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Features of the new Tom Bradley International Terminal at Los Angeles airport, which partially opens in August:

—Nearly 1.2 million square feet of useable space, twice the size of the previous terminal.

—60 restaurants and retailers, including Bulgari and Gucci.

—When fully completed in 2015, there will be 18 gates, including nine that can handle the massive Airbus A380.

—Can process 4,500 passengers an hour through customs, 62 percent more than the old facility.

—To save electricity, escalators and walkways go into sleep mode when not in use.

—A 72-foot "Time Tower" features an elevator and interactive surface that reacts to the movements of passengers.

—50 percent of seating in boarding gate areas will have electrical outlets to charge electronic devices.

—A destination board features two side screens that show images and information on a destination when flight information changes for that city.

Via Yahoo News!

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