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Thursday, May 16, 2013

Wash. state pot rules: Warning labels, no hash

SEATTLE (AP) — Rules for marijuana? Yes, that's what officials in Washington state have come up with now that the drug has been legalized by voters. On Thursday, the state released its first draft of guidelines for its budding pot business. Among the highlights:

—All pot-related businesses would have to have security systems, 24-hour video surveillance and insurance.

—No sales of marijuana extracts, such as hash, would be allowed — unless the extract is infused into another product.

—Marijuana labeling would also include serving sizes, use-by date, allergy info.

—Any marijuana product sold at a state-licensed stores would carry a label noting that it "may be habit forming," accompanied by a logo of Washington state — with a marijuana-leaf silhouette smack in the middle.

—Pot would have to be kept behind counter, where customers don't have direct access.

—Marijuana serving size defined as 10 mg active THC, with size of pot-infused products limited to 10 servings.

—Plant waste matter — roots, stems, leaves, etc. — must be "rendered unusable" such as by mixing with soil, compost or food waste.

—People would have 30 days from when the rules become effective to apply for licenses to grow, process or sell pot.

Via Yahoo News!

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