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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Two teens with cancer raise money for each other’s treatments

Tony Colton, 13, and Ashley Krueger, 18, are two Florida teens battling cancer. Both are raising money to help pay for treatment. But not for themselves. Colton is raising money for Krueger and Krueger for Colton.

A report from the AP explains that the two met while undergoing treatment two years ago. Both went into remission, but then Kruger's cancer came back. While her family, as well as Colton's, have insurance, the medical bills added up.

Krueger told the AP that after the second diagnosis, her friend "went out of his way to help my family." So when Colton's cancer also returned, she returned the favor.

Colton, the youngest of six, told the AP that the money he helps raise "just allows them to pay [for] the things they are having trouble doing financially because of medical bills and medical stress."

Now, Krueger says she's doing her best to raise funds for Colton. "Now we have to do it for him, basically," Ashley told the AP.

So far, Colton has helped raise around $18,000 for Krueger via her GiveForward site. Krueger, who is just getting started with her fundraising, has already helped raise $3,785 for her friend.

Via Yahoo News!

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