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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Mexican poet's peace caravan arrives in Juarez (AP)

CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico – A well-known Mexican poet who has turned his grief over a murdered son into a crusade for peace ended his weeklong "consolation caravan" Friday in the country's most violent city, saying he seeks to change public consciousness and the government's current strategy for fighting drug trafficking.

Javier Sicilia, who started the caravan from outside Mexico City last Saturday, had amassed about 1,500 followers, including others who had lost innocent family members and friends to drug violence, by the time he reached Ciudad Juarez, the border city across from El Paso, Texas.

Sicilia visited a park created in the memory of 15 teens slaughtered in 2010 by gang members in what was believed to be a case of mistaken identity, as well as a field where the bodies of eight women were found in 2001. Hundreds of women were murdered in Juarez in the 1990s, the symbol of the city's violence before a fight among drug cartels heated up, killing at least 3,100 people last year alone.

"Do your jobs, stop humiliating the citizens of Juarez, and do justice to so many who have died," Sicilian called out to state and local officials. "This is the beginning of a civil resistance movement to transform consciousness, to start a dialogue in the absence of government policies."

The number of homicides has fallen for three straight months in Juarez, though government officials haven't given a reason for the drop. But the city is emblematic of Mexico's problem with drug crimes and impunity. At least 95 percent of crimes there are never prosecuted, according to local human rights groups.

Several people have been arrested in the March 28 slaying of Sicilia's son, Juan Francisco Sicilia, a college student who authorities say was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Prosecutors say drug gang members killed him and six others 10 days after a couple of Sicilia's friends had a chance scuffle with the gangsters.

The caravan of about a dozen buses started in Cuernavaca, a central resort and industrial city where Sicilia's son and the others were slain.

Since then, Sicilia has led several marches, first in Cuernavaca and then from Cuernavaca to Mexico City. He also has proposed writing the names of the dead on plaques at the spots where they were killed throughout the country so that they won't just be numbers.

Yahoo! News

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