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Friday, April 8, 2011

Shutdown could mean trash dumped at Boehner's house

A Facebook page has been launched aimed at getting people to dump their garbage at the Ohio Republican's pad in Washington, D.C. Trash pickup is among the services that would be halted in the District of Columbia, whose funding is tied to congressional approval.

"If he won't allow us to use OUR TAX DOLLARS to pick it up, maybe we should just BRING IT TO HIM," the page says.

More than 5,000 people have checked out the Facebook page and 546 people -- presumably those who live in the District of Columbia or nearby -- are listed as a "maybe" to actually "attend" the dumping of trash.

The federal government will shut down at midnight tonight if Congress and the White House cannot reach a deal on funding the government for the remainder of the fiscal year.

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