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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Five policy issues that could derail budget deal

The fight over funding the government for the remaining six months of fiscal year 2011 is more than an argument over dollars and cents.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., is insistent that "ridiculous" policy proposals based on "ideology" sought by House Republicans will not make it into a final deal to avert a government shutdown.

But House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, is equally adamant. "There is no agreement, and will be no agreement on a number until resolved," he said, including the "important policy provisions," that his chamber passed in February as part of a bill to cut $61 billion in federal spending.

Here's a look at five policy issues that threaten to derail a budget compromise:

Planned Parenthood: Rep. Mike Pence, R-Ind., pushed through an amendment to cut off federal funding for Planned Parenthood, as part of the House bill to cut $61 billion in spending for the rest of 2011. Eleven Democrats sided with Republicans on Pence's plan. Rep. Nita Lowey, D-N.Y., said eliminating funding for Planned Parenthood would make it harder for women to get pap tests, breast exams, contraceptives, routine gynecological examinations and other services.

Health care law: The GOP-led House not only voted to repeal the nation's health care law, it also adopted several amendments that would strip government funding so President Obama's signature domestic achievement cannot be implemented. Republicans used repeal of what they call "Obamacare" as a rallying cry in the 2010 elections. Obama and congressional Democrats are unlikely to yield in budget negotiations on this one, since the president has vowed to veto any repeal effort.

Greenhouse gases and EPA: Rep. Ted Poe, R-Texas, pushed through an amendment to block the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating the greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change. Poe's proposal passed 249-177, with 13 Democrats backing his effort. Obama and Democrats in the Senate aren't budging. "Neither the White House nor the Senate leaders are going to accept any EPA riders they have in their bill," Reid told reporters recently.

Pell grants: House Republicans want to cut funding for these tuition grants to low- and moderate-income college students. The proposal would reduce the maximum Pell grant award by $845 and affect 9.4 million college students who receive this tuition aid, according to the liberal Center for Budget and Policy Priorities. President Obama's budget for 2012 calls for investments in higher education and ensuring students can obtain Pell grants.

Head Start: The House spending bill that passed in February would cut $1.1 billion from Head Start, which provides education, health and nutrition services to low-income children up to age 5. Reid singled out this program as one that couldn't be cut in a final budget deal when he appeared Sunday on CBS' This Morning. "We don't do it on the backs of middle-class Americans," Reid said of how to reach a budget compromise.

See photos of: Harry ReidTags:Harry ReidJohn BoehnerPlanned ParenthoodMike PenceNita Lowey .div-wrapper

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