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Thursday, April 21, 2011

British Statistician James Durbin

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James Durbin is one of the most renowned statisticians and econometricians who is known for his work not only on the serial correlation of data but also on the time series. His work in the field is pioneering and he remains to be one of the best statisticians of the entire history. He is of British origin. He was born in the United Kingdom back in the year 1923 and today resides in his country at the age of around eighty seven to eighty eight years. He started his schooling at local schools however owing to his intelligence and comprehension of the different educational fields, he got into Cambridge. His contemporaries of the time include big names like David Cox and Denis Sargan. It was during the year 1950 that he joined the renowned London School of Economics that was at the time the best place to study economics and statistics. He was interested in these fields and joined the most prestigious institute to pursue his career in his fields of choice. In the year 1961, owing to his hard work and struggle, he was appointed professor of Statistics in the London School of Economics. He remained a profess at this university for around thirty years until he retired in the year 1988.

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