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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Political committees look to capitalize on shutdown

Lawmakers across Washington are pointing fingers at each other in an attempt to blame the first federal government shutdown in 17 years on someone else. Their political operatives, meanwhile, are trying to capitalize on the stalemate.

The National Republican Congressional Committee, which funds GOP House campaigns, tried to use the peaceful takeover of the World War II Memorial to gather email addresses.

"DEMOCRATS SHUT DOWN WWII MEMORIAL," the NRCC wrote in font normally reserved for funny cat photos. "GREATEST GENERATION STORMS THROUGH ANYWAYS."

The Republican National Committee took a different approach, choosing to focus on the technical glitches associated with the launch of the Obamacare insurance exchanges.

The Democratic National Committee, meanwhile, released an ad using recent footage of House Speaker John Boehner saying he was against shutting the government down. "Hours into a government shutdown, will John Boehner listen to his own rhetoric?"

Organizing for Action, the campaign organization backing President Barack Obama's agenda, fired off an email urging supporters to hold Boehner responsible for the shutdown by signing a pledge, tweeting at him and, as they do in the footer of all their emails, "chip in $5 or more to support OFA today":

Friend --

They actually did it.

Because an extreme group of House Republicans refused to pass a real budget, the federal government has shut down.

These aren't just games. Speaker Boehner is letting one faction of one party in one chamber of Congress sabotage our economy. They shut down the government, and now some of them are ready to push us past the brink by refusing to do something every American does -- pay their bills.

If this makes you angry, that's because it should. This behavior from some Republicans in Congress is as irresponsible as it gets.

This fight just got a whole lot more real and a whole lot more urgent -- right now, we need to know who's going to help hold these Republicans accountable. Say you will:

Thanks -- more as we know it,


Jon Carson
Executive Director
Organizing for Action

P.S. -- If you're looking for somewhere to direct your frustration online, there's only one man who can stand up to this irresponsible behavior -- that's John Boehner. Tweet at him right now, and let him know you're holding him responsible.

The other side will spend millions to maintain the status quo. We're fighting for change -- chip in $5 or more to support OFA today.

OFA's suggested tweet?

.@SpeakerBoehner, you've lost control of the House. You can stop this -- end the shutdown. #EnoughAlready

Via Yahoo News!

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