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Thursday, April 14, 2011

House passes budget despite GOP defections

House passes 2011 budget dealSTORY HIGHLIGHTSThe House has approved a deal covering the rest of the FY2011 budgetA report on when the new budget cuts will take effect is causing "concern" on Capitol HillDemocrats and Republicans remain at sharp odds over the fiscal year 2012 budgetThe two parties also have to reach an agreement over raising the debt ceiling Washington (CNN) -- The struggle to control America's skyrocketing debt took center stage in the House of Representatives on Thursday as members approved a fiscal year 2011 budget deal reached last week by President Barack Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada, and House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio.

The measure, which also is expected to be taken up by the Senate Thursday, passed the Republican-controlled chamber in a 260-167 vote. The bill would not have passed without support from members of both parties.

Fifty-nine Republicans voted no on the measure -- raising questions about Boehner's ability to keep his conservative Tea Party-infused caucus unified in the face of politically perilous tax and spending negotiations with the Democrats.

The vote also reflected growing liberal angst and anger over the impending spending reductions. Only 81 Democrats backed the measure; House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-California, voted no.

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