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Monday, April 18, 2011

He lost his job, but probe finds McChrystal did nothing wrong

Report: McChrystal did nothing wrongSTORY HIGHLIGHTSMcChrystal commanded U.S. and ISAF forces in AfghanistanA magazine article quoted his aides making disparaging remarks about U.S. leadersMcChrystal resigned his command and later retired from the miliaryA DoD inspector general's investigation finds neither he nor his aides did anything wrong Washington (CNN) -- Gen. Stanley McChrystal lost his job when Rolling Stone magazine ran an article in which some of his aides made disparaging remarks about the vice president and others. But a newly released investigation by the Department of Defense inspector general finds neither McChrystal nor any of his aides did anything wrong.

In the article called "The Runaway General" reporter Michael Hastings wrote that one of McChrystal's aides referred to Vice President Joseph Biden as "Bite Me" and another referred to then-national security adviser Gen. James Jones as a "clown."

After interviewing 15 people, the inspector general's office completed its report on April 8. It was made public Monday after a Freedom of Information Act request by the New York Times. Neither McChrystal, who cooperated with an earlier Army investigation, nor Hastings were interviewed for the inspector general's report.

In the report, the inspector general writes, "The evidence was insufficient to substantiate a violation of applicable DoD standards." The report goes on to say, "Not all of the events at issue occurred as reported in the article."

It concluded "none of the matters we reviewed warrant further investigation."

McChrystal, who had been in charge of all U.S. and International Security Assistance Force units in Afghanistan, was brought back to Washington after the article was published. After meeting with President Barack Obama, he resigned his command and later retired from the military.

But four days after the inspector general's report was completed, the White House announced McChrystal would be part of the Michelle Obama's and Jill Biden's new Joining Forces initiative. The organization is set up to support and honor America's service members and their families.

McChrystal is now a senior fellow at Yale University.

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